Sunday, October 13, 2013

TopCoder SRM 591 Editorial: PyramidSequences


First, fix some \( n \) and \( m \). We begin by looking at an easier problem: If instead of looking at sequences of the form \( 1, 2, \ldots, n - 1, n, n - 1, \ldots, 3, 2 \), what if all the sequence elements were distinct (e.g. if the sequence was of the form \( 1, 2, \ldots, 2 n - 2 \))? The Chinese remainder theorem guarantees that a number \( x \) from the \( n \)-sequence will be paired with a number \( y \) from the \( m \)-sequence if and only if \( x \equiv y \pmod{2g} \), where \( g = \gcd( n - 1, m - 1 ) \). We can partition the \( n \)- and \( m \)-sequences into equivalence classes modulo \( 2g \); each class contains \( (n - 1) / g \) or \( (m - 1) / g \) elements, so there are \( (n - 1) (m - 1) / g^2 \) pairings per class, or \( (n - 1) (m - 1) / g^2 \), or \( 2 (n - 1) (m - 1) / g \) unique pairings.

Unfortunately, the pairings are not unique. Each \( k \) in the \( n \)-sequence has two possible indices modulo \( 2 g \): \( \{ k \% (2 g) \) and \( (2 n - k) \% (2 g) \} \). Let us first consider the two indices are equal, i.e. \( k \equiv (2 n - k) \pmod{2g} \). Simplifying, this gives us \( k \equiv n \pmod g \). Since \( g \) is a multiple of \( n - 1 \), then \( n \equiv 1 \pmod g \), so our final expression is \( k \equiv 1 \pmod g \); i.e. \( k \equiv 1 \text{ or } g + 1 \pmod{2g} \). Note that this condition is independent of \( n \) or \( m \), so it suffices to simply find the number of \( k \) equivalent to \( 1 \) or \( g + 1 \) modulo \( 2g \) in each sequence and multiply the counts accordingly.

Now consider the case in which \( k \) has two distinct indices, \( k \% (2 g) \) and \( (2 n - k) \% (2 g) \). Again, since \( n \equiv 1 \pmod g \), the second index can be written \( (2 - k) \% (2 g) \). If \( k \% (2 g) \in [2, g] \), then \( (2 - k) \% (2 g) \in [g + 2, 2g] \) and vice versa. Thus, each \( k \) appears exactly once in the range \( [2, g] \) and exactly once in \( [g + 2, 2g] \). It suffices, then, to compute the result for one range. This is simply \( (g - 1) (n - 1) (m - 1) / g^2 \).

Putting the two cases (\( k \equiv 1 \pmod g \) or not) together, we have the following Python code. Some care must be taken to account for the special cases \( 1 \), \( n \), and \( m \).

from fractions import *

class PyramidSequences(object):
 def distinctPairs(self, n, m):
  g = gcd(n - 1, m - 1)
  an, am = [(x - 1) / g for x in n, m]
  bn, bm = [x / 2 + 1 for x in [an, am]]
  cn, cm = [x / 2 + (x % 2) for x in [an, am]]
  return (g - 1) * an * am + bn * bm + cn * cm

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